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    How to Speed Up Chrome Browser Easily

    Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday 31 March 2015 | 10:25

    Tuesday 31 March 2015

    Today I will be Sharing some cool tricks and tweaks by which you will be able to Speed up Chromebrowser. Do you know that experts which are sitting at future mark says that Google chrome is one of the fastest internet browser. Rightly said, As you have already experience while using google chrome that it really works faster and smoother compared to other internet browser. Google chrome uses DNS prefetching and speedy (SPDY) protocols instead of simply using HTTP. These DNS prefetching and SPDY protocols load up your page in advance so that you need not to wait for more time.
    Speed Up Chrome
    But It happens many times that google chrome starts working very slow and believe me that  is very frustrating. But you need not to worry any more because listed below are some nice tricks to speed up chrome browser

     How to Speed Up Chrome Browser ?

    1. Disable plugins

    I can bet you that you are using many plugins which are generally not in your use. To work faster and smoother on your chrome browser you must have some selected plugins installed. Too much plugins can slow up your browsing speed. Follow the steps below and start removing your extra plugins from your browser.
    1. Open your chrome browser and go to the following address
    2. Uncheck the plugins which are not in your use. You can also delete these plugins unwanted plugins. Understand that you may not be able to delete or uninstall these plugins,you can only disable them
    Note: Be very careful while unchecking or deleting your unwanted plugins because there are many plugins which are responsible for the performance of your browser. You may not want to disable plugins like flash because many web sites use flash to display web pages.

    2. Disable Extensions

    You might wonder if Plugins and extensions are almost similar to each other?  Plugins are usually a third party programs which are needed to enhance the speed and performance of your browser but other than this extensions are specifically needed for browsers.
    These Extensions really slows up your browser and can affect your browsing speed very badly. To avoid this thing you just need to follow the below steps carefully :-
    1. Open your chrome browser and type the following address in the address bar
    To check the full list of extensions installed in your browser, simply Click on Wrench icon on your toolbar, navigate to Tools and then click on Extensions.
    2. You will now going to see an extensions list which is supporting your browser.
    3. Simply uncheck the extensions which are not needed or just delete those extensions which are not needed in future.
    You will surely see some changes in your browsing speed as you delete those extensions from your browser.

    3. Clear your browsing data

    You already know that if you browse any website, chrome automatically collects the cached text, cookies and other kinds of website data. That is why when we click again on that website address it consumes less time for loading that web page.
    Although cached and cookies are really made to speed up chrome browser but sometimes it happens that they are responsible for decreasing your browsing speed and lagging.
    Following steps will be helping you in clearing your browsing data:-
    1. Click on Control and customize chrome button or Wrench icon as i mentioned earlier.
    2. Choose Tools > Clear browsing data.
    3. Simply, choose the time range and other types of  extra features which are listed below in that dialog box, hit Clear browsing  data.
    That’s all. I Hope you this article will some what help you clear your question how to speedup chrome browser?  if you face any type of problem or confusion after reading this article you can surely leave a comment below in the comment box.
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    best Websites to Download eBooks Free

    It would be nice if we can Download eBooks Free and take it with us on our devices, as it is not possible to take a book to any place as it may be fat and also includes the weight and we can`t get the frequent updates for it. There are many sites where eBooks can be obtained for free, downloaded and can be enjoyed from any Android device.
    For popular and “new release” reading materials or magazine, an online eStore like Amazon or Barnes & Noble is essential but this sites are not free of cost. So here are some of the websites that gives you free downloadable eBook Specially for Tech Students.
    Download eBooks Free

    5 Best Websites to Download eBooks Free


    It is an online store for free ebook authors, ebook resources, ebook downloads. Besides of it you can also download free magazines from it. Each ebook has its own short review in the description. You can also submit your own ebook, you just need to become a member of the Free-EBooks.Net to access their library. You can Register it for free.
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    It is a unique ebook Publishing house, specialized in free eBook downloads. It also provides an excellent Star rating Showcase for new and evolving authors to come front with their thoughts or ideas.  It is very well categorized by topics which is friendly to use, and it also consists of 10 top level categories, and over 125 sub-categories.

    It is a free website for ebook where users are able to exchange e-books for free and it also gives video training and other materials for educational purposes and also includes self-practice. It consists of thousands of documents like literature, lists, maps, databases, technical references, etc.

     5.Online Free ebook:
    It provides various links to various ebooks (pdf format) spanning in 9 categories which are used fors daily purposes, they are: Business Ebooks, Gadget Ebooks, Engineering Ebooks, Automotive Ebooks, Health & Medical Ebooks , Hobbies Ebooks, Hardware Ebooks, Sport & Martial Art Ebooks, Programming & Technology Ebooks. It is especially designed to add all this stuffs in your Pocket PC, EPOC, Windows CE, Symbian or other handheld device.
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    How to Change Facebook Themes with Chrome Extension

    Hey guys, Couple of Days ago i was just Surfing Google Chrome webstore and i somehow stumbled upon a Chrome Extension.  Yes,a Chrome extension that will give my Facebook a Whole new look. I was anxious to try it, so i just installed it and checked my facebook. i was surprised to see my facebook homepage have all new look. I found it cool and so i decided to write steps on How to Change Facebook Themes using Chrome Extension
    Earlier i have seen many extensions but Recently this one is on Top of my list.So today i decided to share with you all about this particular Extension that will give your facebook a whole new look. With this Facebook Themes Chrome extension, you get to choose your favourite Color and theme.Which is that extension ? How to Install ? How to Use it ? Stay calm, I will show you Complete Procedure step by step, Just stay with me.

    How to Change Facebook Themes?

    Step 1:First of all, Goto the Chrome Web Store, Download and Install Facebook Themes Extension.
    Step 2: Install the Facebook Theme Extension by clicking on Free or Add to Chrome Button on Top Right hand Side of the Web page. (Feel free to Check the Reviews about this extension before installing.)
    Step 3: It will take just a second to download the Extension, Now Click on Customize and Control Google Chrome Button > Tools > Extensions OR Alternatively you can just Type : chrome://extensions/ in your address bar to show up all installed extensions
    Step 4: Now if you have Many Extensions Installed, Look for Facebook Themes Extension and Click on“Option” . Refer to The below picture to get more clear idea about what i am trying to explain here.
    Facebook Themes
    Step 5: After Click on “Options”  Click on “Explore” Tab to Show up all the available facebook Themes to Choose from.
    Step 6: Choose any theme of you choice by Clicking on “Install” , The facebook theme is now installed, Click on Installed tab to verify.
    Step 7: By now, every thing is Done. Open Facebook and Check the New theme, You may change it later on by Choosing another theme from the list of Facebook themes provided there.

    How do i Revert Back to Default theme ?

    If you ever feel like switching to the default theme Just Goto Installed tab and Disable the theme.
    OR You Can even Disable the Extension by Unchecking the Extension box, Pretty Simple hah ? If you get bored using the same color or facebook themes then you can switch to different themes anytime.
    So try it, and Let me know what you think about new Changed Facebook themes in the comment box below, Show it to your friends, let them know about it too.
    The Extension does not seem to be harmful and is clean.Feel Free to Share your Experience with this article, also if you have any sort of trouble , do not hesitate to ask.
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    Tips to Identify Fake Facebook Account Easily

    Fake Facebook Accounts is Proving out to be a new Trend on Facebook. Probably 20-30% of total Facebook Accounts are fake or even more, This Number is Anticipated to be Increasing in Future. Fake accounts on Facebook are  mainly Created with an intention to Spam all over Facebook and Spread Virus. Many people Create Fake Girl’s Profiles to Dupe Some innocent Fb Users too.
    Its Sad that Facebook Can’t Identify Fake Facebook Account and Delete them all Manully,and One Should not expect it from Facebook because of obvious Reasons. But yes they will Definately Block your account if you send lots of Friend requests to Unknown People and if you post or Comment Spammy Links over and over again. Facebook Catches you and then next time when you try to Login again, it asks you to Identify Photos of Friends, This is where Fake Account Users Get Caught.
    But This Don’t Stop Spammers to Create another Fake Facebook account, So in this article we will Discuss Some Tips that will Help you to Identify Fake Facebook Account easily, So that you don’t fell in thier Traps, Report that Account to Facebook which will Help to Make Facebook Safer to all of us.

    4 Tips to Identify Fake Facebook Account

    1) Profile Picture :
    • First Thing we see about any Facebook account is thier Profile Picture, If you Find any Facebook Account on your Friendlist suspicious, First thing you will do is Use Reverse Image Search. This helps you find out if Similar Pictures are available on Internet.  First Download the Profile Picture of the account you find suspicious
    • Goto Google images Click on Camera icon which says Search by image, Click on Upload an Image, now choose the Picture you  had downloaded earlier , Now once the uploading Completes, google will show you Similar Images that already exist over internet.
    2) Timeline:
    • The Facebook timeline of a Facebook accounts says a lot about that Profile. Most Fake Profiles have “Female” as a gender, this doesn’t Mean all fb accounts with “Female” Genders are Fake, There are many other things to Identify Fake Facebook Account.
    • if thier photos folder shows only 1 or 2 Pictures that too of random Celebrities then probably its fake.
    • if the Person does not update Status, or if he does, the Comments does not read like his Real friends or the profile does not comments on others status,then its likely to be a Fake profile
    • The “About” tab will Give you More information about the Profile, if the “About” tab don’t show you any info about the persons profile then thats an indication about fake profile
    3) Wait for 1st january:
    • This is kind of Funny, Why Would one Wait for 1st jan to Identify Fake Facebook Account, Well Fake Profile Makers Most Probably Enter 1st jan as thier birth date while creating Fake account. So on 1st Jan, Facebook will Show you People who have birthdays today. Go through that list and Unfriend them if you dont know them Personally.
    • On 1st jan 2014, i was shocked to see 28 people Having thier birthday, Guess what i performed the above Proccess.
    4) Girls Profile :
    • Most of the Fake profiles are created with Girl Identity and with a Beautiful face as a Profile Picture, You may even find Cell phone Number, Girls Hardly will Share thier Contact number in Public.
    • A girl Profile with Lots of Friends and Followers indicates a Fake Profile.
    These were some tips to Identify Fake Facebook Account , which i wanted to share with you all, if you find any Fake profile then you and your friends can report it to facebook.
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    Create Facebook Page without Name-How to Guide

    If you are a Daily facebook user or a facebook addict, you might have come across some Facebook Page without Name . Well at that very moment you must have thought about how did these guys can create it. You might have even googled it , but never succeeded.
    Creating Facebook Page without Name is as simple as 1,2,3 . Just be with me and by the end of this tutorial you will be able to Create one by yourself. We will be Using some Arabic characters to Create a Facebook page with no name.

    How to Create Facebook Page without Name?

    if you have already Created a Page on facebook before than this is going to be the Easiest tutorial for you, For those who don’t have any experience in creating a page , Believe me i will keep it Simple just Follow the Below simple steps.
    Step 1: Login to facebook and click on Create page or just click Here .
    Step 2: Now Click on Company, Organization or Institution (Not mandatory You can click on any.) and Choose a Category, again you can choose any it doesn’t really matters.
    Step 3: Now copy the below characters and paste in the place of name and Check the box which says i agree to facebook pages terms.

    Facebook page without name
    Step 4: Click on Get Started, Give a short description and click on “Save info” now you can click on skip, skip and skip .
    Step 5:  With this said, We have successfully created a page , But we can see the Characters which we entered earlier, we are making a page without any name or Character. Now in admin panel, click on Edit Page > Edit Settings.
    Facebook page without name

    Step 6:  Click on “Page info”  , the first thing you will see will be the Name, Click on Edit and use your Backspace key to Delete everything from the box.
    Step 7: Click on Save Changes. If you have done all the steps as explained then you must not get any error.
    Step 8: Click on View page to check your Facebook Page without Name.
    Facebook page without name
    Step 9: Upload a profile picture and Cover photo if you want. Now its Time to Show your Page with No name to your Friends. Try it by Yourself While its Still working.
    Check the Demo of the page which I Created just now while writing the tutorial HERE and Click here To check the page which is about a month old.
    [alert style=”e.g. white, grey, red, yellow, green”] Note: The Code and the Trick to Create Facebook page without name is not working any more, This trick was working fine at the time of Creating the tutorial. Thanks.[/alert]
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    Use Two Different Profile Pictures on Facebook

    es you can use Two Different Profile Pictures on Facebook, Anxious to know how ? Stay with me and i will show you.
    The Bug Was Originally Founded by Khalil (Security Researcher)
    UPDATE: The Bug Seems to be Fixed
    Here in this Facebook Trick i will show you how to Use Two Different Profile Pictures on Facebook, Check out the Below Picture to get more Idea.
    Use Two Different Profile Pictures on Facebook
    In the Above Picture You will notice that The Profile picture on my timeline and the Profile Picture in my Status are Different. Let us See how it is done.

    Steps to Use Two Different Profile Pictures on Facebook

    Step 1: First you have to Open your Timeline and Open your Profile Picture Album by clicking on Photos Tab, Choose a Picture that you want as another Profile Picture.
    Step 2: Open that Picture in a New Window By Holding Ctrl and Clicking on it.
    Step 3: Now Check the URL of that Picture, you will get something like below URL
    All you have to do is Copy the fbid, Here in the above url, my photo fbid is 491366447588908.
    Step 4: Open your Timeline, hover your mouse on your Profile Picture, you will see  Edit Profile PictureOption,Click on it and Select Edit Thumbnail.
    Step 5: A popup window will appear, now Right Click on your Profile Picture and Choose Inspect Element,
    Use Two Pofile Pictures on Facebook
    Scroll down till you find <form action=””
    Step 6: Now click on the Small arrow to Expand the Code Further.
    Use Two Profile pictures on Facebook
    Scroll down a bit, you will find <input type=”hidden” autocomplete=”off” name=”photo_fbid” value=”491366447588908“>
    Now all You need to do is Replace the Current fbid Value with the one you Copied earlier in Step 3, You can do it by Double Clicking on the Current fbid Value and Replace it with the one you Copied earlier which is in my case :491366447588908.
    Step 7: Click anywhere , Close Inspect Element Window and Now Click on Save, All Done, Now Check your timeline, update any status and you will see Different Profile Picture.
    Step 8: Liked it? Learned Something new ? Then its time to Let your Friends Know about it. Have Fun!!!
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